Natural Cooking Camp

Campers will pick vegetables from our garden and gather fresh eggs from our chickens to cook all-natural foods this week.* On Mondays we will make a delicious breakfast, Tuesdays – lunch, Wednesdays – snacks, Thursdays – dinner and Friday is dessert day with Cupcake Wars!

Campers will enjoy making meals every day that will give them fuel to explore the farm. This is always a fun and tasty camp that ends with our big tradition of “Cupcake Wars” where campers compete to win the golden cupcake!

Many of our campers have been known to cook meals for their families after this camp, so get ready for some yummy food!

*Exception to using all-natural foods: Cupcake Wars allows the kids to get creative with colors.

Only $130/week or $30/individual day.

Please bring a packed lunch

(Early drop-off is available. Future Link)

Natural Cooking Campers preparing a healthy meal